Think better

What's the Vietnamese word for ‘frustrated’? 

This essay was originally published on Diacritics, a publication by the Diasporic Vietnamese Artist Network (DVAN), as part of the “On Mothering and Language” Series.

I want to hit my one-year-old baby.  

He’s throwing another tantrum. It has become a daily routine at daycare pickup since he aged into a new...Read More »

Why and how to Marie-Kondo your house

Main point: This is a summary of Marie Kondo’s bestselling book, The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up, for those who want compelling reasons and guidance to declutter.

You’re here because you’ve probably just read about the connection between physical clutter and emotional clutter. I’m summarizing her book...Read More »

Why feeling entitled is a good thing

Key takeaway: You have inalienable rights that are always yours no matter what. Know your rights, know your power.

The word “entitled” has a misleading bad connotation. It might conjure up thoughts of white male privilege or a spoiled rich kid who expects everything but never has to work  to earn...Read More »

Welcome to the FOBLOG!

Update: As of April 2021, I rebranded my site to my name, Angelina Tram Nguyen. This was my very first blog post in 2017, when I named it the FOBLOG.

I came to the United States at eight years old not knowing a word of English. My father had no...Read More »